Yom Kippur is truly one of Judaism’s most sacred holidays, if only because it brings millions of Jews together to unite and proclaim, “Man, bagels never tasted so good.”
Fasts have been broken; sins, atoned; and, hopefully, shoes well worn. We hope some of our recommendations influenced you this season, and we’d be thrilled to know how they worked out. My Yom Kippur Shoes are featured above: Crocs Devario Mesh. Did they fit? Were they comfortable? Were they stylish? Did your kids even notice? Or, better still—what did we miss?
That’s the dialogue we’d like to get started. We’d love to hear your comments on the blog, and tweets with the hashtag, #yomkippurshoes. By getting this conversation going, we’ll be better prepared for next year’s fashions, and prove that Jewish aesthetic identity can be more than just black hats and payot.